"Sumbawa Friends of the Earth" was initiated by Dr. Arief Budi Witarto (Dean of Faculty of Biotechnology, Sumbawa University of Technology / FTB-UTS) and pioneered by 20 students of FTB and Faculty of Agriculture Technology (FATETA) UTS whom just participated in Pertamina Foundation Scholarship (PFS) Camp "Friends of the Earth" at TW Gunung Pancar, Bogor Regency, West Java on November 28th to December 2nd, 2013.
First meeting was conducted on December 7th, 2013 (Saturday) at Sumbawa, which agreed on 2 main projects, members, and leaders.
The aim of this activity is to continue the spirit of "Friends of the Earth", which inspired the young generation of Sumbawa to love and protect the beauty and riches of Sumbawa island inherited by the ancestors to the future generations.
Membership of "Sumbawa Friends of the Earth" is voluntary.
Therefore, students will not receive any honorarium, and must support transportation and consumption, which may arose during the activities, by themselves.
Funding for activities comes from donation from individuals and institutions (government / private).
Committee for Sumbawa Friends of Earth:
Dr. Zulkieflimansyah (Rector of UTS)
Dr. Arief Budi Witarto (Dean of FTB-UTS)
Dwi Ariyanti, M. Biotech (Head of Biotechnology Department FTB-UTS)
Maya Fitriana, S.Si. (Secretary of Biotechnology Department FTB-UTS)
Rian Adha Ardinata
Adelia Elviantari
Project on Binong Tree
Mochammad Isro Alfajri (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013),TEAM LEADER
Gita Feny Lestari (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013),VICE LEADER - TEAM SECRETARY
Arif Muhammad (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Indah Nurulita (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Fahmi Dwilaksono (FTB-UTS;Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Nina Septiana (FATETA-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Rian Adha Ardinata (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Toto Subiantoro (F. PSIKOLOGI-UTS)
Suci Febri Ramdhana (FATETA-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Yulianti (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Yunianti (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Project on Coral Reef
Cendra Harri Pahlawan (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013), TEAM LEADER
Cindy Suci Ananda (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013),VICE LEADER - TEAM SECRETARY
Abdhi Surya Perkasa (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Adelia Elviantari (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Arief Ardiansyah (F. PSIKOLOGI-UTS)
Asmawati (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Citra Islam Lestari (FATETA-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Destri Ariani (FATETA-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Muhammad Al-Azhar (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Nugrah Analidi Putra (FTB-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
Ririn Solehah (F. PSIKOLOGI-UTS)
Yuli Rahmi (FATETA-UTS; Participant of PFS Camp Friends of the Earth 2013)
This activity is an extra-curricular activity at UTS, which is open to all interested students whom able to join by filling the application form below.
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